facebook marketing for small business

Facebook marketing tips for small businesses

Business is hard. Really hard. But what I know over the last 7 years of being a business owner with Finlee and Me and Angela Henderson Consulting is that you have to start with building your foundations and making it strong in order to scale your business for later on and that’s why I’ve created this blog post 9 Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses.

Social media is one of the primary ways for your clients to find you, get to know you, trust you and eventually buy from you. But so often businesses fail at getting their foundation of social media platforms correct and therefore lose out on converting clients to sales.

As you probably know there are a variety of social media platform: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat to name a few, but please before you jump into all these platforms I strongly recommend choosing the 2 platforms where your ideal client likes to hang out, but also by choosing 2 you’re more likely to stick with them and it not feel like a job.

So if you’re wanting to create a strong presence on social media that will help increase your sales, branding and credibility then take a look at my top 9 Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses.

9 Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Facebook Cover and Profile Image

You want your Facebook Cover to reflect your brand and communicate with your audience what you actually do. The best thing is to have a great photo and your tagline front and centre, so that when they go to your page they can confirm right away if your page is something they need and therefore they’ll like your page.

You can also create a video for your Facebook Cover and this another great way to connect with your audience as they’ll be able to hear you, see you and have an emotional connection to you faster than an image.

In addition to your Facebook Cover, you’re going to want to have a strong profile image. Remember people buy from people, not your logo. People want to know who is behind the brand so they can connect and trust, know that you’re a likeable person. So ensure you have a profile photo that is friendly, inviting and warm.  Also with Facebook’s rolling out some new changes with the profile dimensions, make sure to double check yours is correct.

Stay on Brand and Know Your Ideal Client

Some of you might be reading this and go “doh” of course we stay on brand and know your ideal client, but I’m here to tell you that way to many times I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed and see the opposite.

For example, I was following a beautiful cooking page on Facebook which has the most delightful desserts you’ve ever seen however they also started to blend in images of them getting drunk on a Saturday night. I’m all about having some champagne, hanging out with my friends and relaxing but it’s not on brand to post selfies of taking shots when you’re business is a cooking page; keep the drunk selfies for your personal profile

Be Consistent and Post Regularly

I totally understand that we’re busy and that things can be crazy, but when it comes to social media you need to be posting on a regular basis. This helps you to stay connected with your community, but also remember that your community doesn’t see every post you do because of the Facebook algorithm so posting regularly allows for at least some of your audience to remain informed.

Be Responsive & Be Engaged

Your audience looks up to you and they like hearing from you. If they leave a comment, take the time to respond and be engaged. When you do this, you connect with them, they feel special and when it comes time to sell they’ll be a warm client. If you’re too busy then it might be time to invest in a virtual assistant.

Show Personality and Humour

Your audience want to get to know you. They want to know that you’re human and even though you run a business you have sense of humour, so post a funny meme, get on a Facebook live etc.

Share Content in Different Ways

Depending on your audience will depend on how they like to consumer information. Do they prefer to read your blog, watch you on a Facebook live, or ask questions on your Facebook Page? Just keep in mind that everyone has different ways they like to consumer information so sharing content in different ways will keep your entire audience happy.

Facebook Groups

Starting your own Facebook Group is a brilliant way to create a more intimate community, so if you don’t have a Facebook Group consider starting one.

*Caution – if you don’t have the time to put into a Facebook Group then I strongly encourage to stick with what you like and have time for. Facebook Groups are hard work but once up and running are awesome.

Add Facebook Pixel

If you haven’t already, make sure to add your Facebook Pixel to your website. A Facebook Pixel, is code that you place on your website. It helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimise ads based on collected data, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to qualified leads—people who have already taken some kind of action on your website. It’s super powerful and will help you so much for targeted marketing.


Everyone should be advertising on Facebook, you just need to have a strategy behind your ad. Are you wanting to get your audience on your newsletter, or are you wanting to increase your likes on your Facebook Page, or are you wanting them to purchase from you? Within your strategy you also must keep in mind if your audience is a cold audience, warm audience or hot audience as this will also influence what type of specific ad’s you set up. Facebook advertising is more than just “boosting” a post.


Facebook is a great platform for businesses to connect and scale their business, but it’s super important to have a strategy. Follow these 9 Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses to get you started and to build your Facebook foundation.

If you’d like some additional help with your Facebook strategy or if your feeling overwhelmed with your business in general then I’d love to connect and explore how I could work out your strategy, to give you more time to be with your family, increase your sales or even get you on a holiday.

Book your free 30 minute discovery call by clicking the photo below.

angela henderson

Wishing you all an awesome week,


Angela is a business consultant,  entrepreneur, Netflix blogger, author, mental health clinician and most importantly a mother. Connect with her in her Facebook Group, Facebook Page, Instagram, Linked In and her website Angela Henderson Consulting.




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  1. very useful tips of facebook marketing for small business. We always follow tips for promoting the business on facebook. Thanks, for share.

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