your ideal client

your ideal client

Do you know who your ideal client is? Do you know why you need an ideal client for your business? Are you feeling confused and overwhelmed about needing to find who your ideal client is? If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions, you’ve come to the right place as I’m here to help you discover your ideal client.


The term ideal client seems to a buzzword used by many entrepreneurs and business owners around the world, but you might be wondering what the heck is an ideal client and why is it so important for my business.

The term ideal client simply means: the best audience for your business/brand. The ideal client, is ultimately the person/people that you want to work with, buy your product and to have in your business community. They are your target audience.

Through the discovery process to finding your ideal client you want to visualise them. And start asking a whole bunch of questions like: where do they live? How old are they? How much money do they make? What are their hobbies? What do they eat? What do they wear?

For your business to truly succeed you must know who your ideal client is because once you figure out who your ideal client is, everything else will start to fall into place. It will be easier for you to work on your branding, build a powerful website, create amazing content, figure out your sales funnels, invest in appropriate Facebook ads, complete your SEO strategy and more.

Figuring out your ideal client can be hard at first because most people will over think this process. My advice is to just take it at face value because if you’re in the exploration stages of your business, your ideal client will probably change. Remember business is a growth process and you must start somewhere.


The reality is that you can’t market/service everyone who needs your products/services. By nailing your ideal client, you will naturally find your tribe/community/target audience. It will be this group of ideal clients who will not only want your services, need your services, but they will also connect with your brand on a deeper level. Why? Because they will also align with what your business stands for collectively.

Furthermore, by focusing in on your ideal client and by getting specific, you will know your customer’s needs, understand their purchasing decisions, motivations to buy and more. Ultimately you need to remember that your customers should be the driver behind every marketing decision in your business. Remember it’s important to really narrow down your ideal client because you can’t sell/service to everyone. I read this quote once “if you try to reach everyone, you’ll end up reaching no one” so what are you waiting for?

Do you know who your businesses ideal client is?

If you’d like a copy of my 10 page ideal client workbook please flick me an email to and we’ll send it straight over.

Wishing you a delightful day,


Angela is a business consultant, author, entrepreneur, blogger, mental health clinician and most importantly a mother. She lives in Brisbane, Australia with her two beautiful kids Finlee and Chloe and her husband who is from Tasmania.

Connect with Angela on her active Facebook Group Australian Business Collaborative or via Linked In.

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