Marketing is everywhere. If you want to build your dreams, achieve financial freedom, or attain success – whatever that may look like for you – you must have a good marketing strategy. This is why I’m so excited to have Agatha Brewer on the podcast today. Agatha is an entrepreneur, fully certified coach, and has over fifteen years of experience in digital marketing working with boutique agencies to Fortune 500 companies. In this episode, Agatha shares her insights on marketing and walks you through the 4 steps of creating an intentional marketing strategy for your business. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, you’ll pick up many valuable lessons in this episode that will help take your marketing to the next level.

Guest Links

Agatha Brewer Website

What’s your marketing Superpower? Take the Quiz!

Important Links Mentioned in the Show:

Action Takers Mastermind

Australian Business Collaborative Facebook Group

Angela Henderson Website

Angela Henderson Active Business Facebook Group

Angela Henderson Facebook Business Page

Angela Henderson Consulting Instagram

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