Angela Henderson

Mistakes are inevitable. Being in business for over a decade, I have made so many mistakes. I regularly get asked about the biggest mistakes I’ve made in business – what I learned, what I’d do again, what I’d change. Over the years, I’ve learned to embrace the mistakes and see them as lessons. This allowed me to push through these mistakes a lot faster when it happened. It helped me grow, move forward, and create 2 successful 6-figure businesses. In today’s episode, I’d like to share the 10 biggest mistakes I’ve made in business and what I’ve learned from them. 

Important Links Mentioned in the Show:

Action Takers Mastermind

Women in Business Success Summit

Instagram Mastery for Business Owners with Angela Henderson

Profit Pillars

Women in Business Retreat 2020

Business Masterclass – The Ultimate 4-Step Framework for Creating a Sustainable and Profitable Business

Australian Business Collaborative Facebook Group

Angela Henderson Website

Angela Henderson Active Business Facebook Group

Angela Henderson Facebook Business Page

Angela Henderson Consulting Instagram

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