Steps to Super charge Your Productivity


In this episode, Jo Bendle joins me as we talk about the 5 steps for supercharging your productivity. As a Productivity Coach, she helps women get out of overwhelm so they can create their own version of freedom. We also touch on topics such as being busy versus being productive, productivity blocks, forming the right habits, and so much more.

Important Links Mentioned in the Show:

Jo Bendle Website

Jo Bendle Facebook

Jo Bendle Instagram

Jo Bendle LinkedIn

5 Day Challenge

Angela Henderson Website

Angela Henderson Active Business Facebook Group

Angela Henderson Facebook Business Page

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Prefer to read 5 Steps to Super Charge Your Productivity? Here’s the transcript:


You’re listening to the Business and Life Conversations podcast, with Angela Henderson, episode 15.

Hey there, you’re listening to the Business and Life Conversations podcast, my name is Angela Henderson, and on this show we talk about improving your business, life or both. By having amazing and rich conversations with brilliant guests. Who will inspire you and who will give you tips and tricks, to help you grow both in life and in business.

Now we first met at Tash Corbin’s conference last year in Australia and I loved your message about productivity as a whole, but more importantly how you look at productivity slightly different to mainstream productivity and you don’t have to work harder to be productive. Before we jump into your beautiful productivity ninja moves, I’d love for you to let the audience know a little bit about you, starting with your wonderful life as a traveling nomad entrepreneur for the last few years. Where you are now and what your core business is all about?


Cool. Yeah, absolutely. I mean this is what I get really excited about productivity because it isn’t just about like, here’s the tools that productivity outgo and go and do more. There’s so many layers to it.

For me, when I started my business, I knew that I wanted to be able to travel the world with my business. I wanted to be able to run it from anywhere. I was always aware.. freedom was a really big goal for me, a really big value for me. This is interestingly how I’ve got really excited about productivity because, the one thing I did learn.. I’m kind of going off on a tangent already, but..


It’s a great little tangent.


..that freedom comes through discipline and so I really was, really, really resisted that. I spent the last, just over three years, living out of my suitcase, travelling all over the world and.. when I first started, I was like, great I’ve got all this freedom, I can work whenever I want. Didn’t have any structure because I didn’t want the structure. I didn’t want to be tied to stuff like that. And so I then realised I’ve kind of got like all this time freedom but I didn’t have money freedom, you know?




I wasn’t in that right place and so I really learned through trial and error that actually productivity is a vehicle that’s going to get me to where I want to be. To have the lifestyle, the business and the life. That’s kind of what I want for my clients, is that they build the business and the life.

So, I spent the last three years travelling and then yeah, it’s been a bit of a big year for me this year. I decided that I was really kind of craving a base and so I have just relocated to Spain. I’ve literally bought an apartment in Malaga and been moved in for a couple of months. Yeah, so it’s almost like readdressing all of my.. the way that I go about things and my habits. Productivity’s really about habits. I’m really looking at that, what do I want my day to look like again? Constantly reassessing it right now.


Right now, so again I’m assuming it’s just been like a transition period because you’ve been used to living in a suitcase. In some ways, you’ve probably had to grieve the loss of not having that suitcase and potentially go, go, go to kind of gone, okay settling down, potentially slower way of life even. Would you agree?


It has been such an interesting transition. I definitely did not expect it, like, just how I’ve lived my life the last few years. I have no problem with change. I’m constantly.. it’s a big part of my life but this came with so much other stuff like around, “What does that mean if you’re in one place?” So it’s been really fascinating to watch the thoughts and really what was coming up for me and just allowing it to happen. I knew it was like a.. it was, it was a bit of a process of really shifting. Almost your identity. I’m a productivity coach, I travel the world, and then suddenly it’s like, I’ve got a base.

..and what does that mean? So yeah, it’s been a really interesting transition. Not actually that comfortable at all. But it’s good to come out the other side and be like, “Okay, I’m ready again.”


I’m ready to rock and roll.

So, tell us a little bit about what does Jo Bendle do? What does productivity coach mean to you so that the listeners have a better understanding?


Basically, I generally help women entrepreneurs to get out of overwhelm. We do this through some really simple productivity tools and systems so that they can create their version of freedom.

But it’s very.. when we talk about like why it’s different is that it doesn’t matter how many productivity tools I give you or which planner you use. That is not going to make the difference, that’s not the thing that will make you productive because there are so many layers to getting your productivity on.

And it’s super confronting because what I’m asking you to do is like really look at, “Hang on, am I showing up for my core desires?” Probably not because we’ve got fear. So, there’s two sides to it. How I work is, yes we definitely need the masculine sort of productivity tools like the structure, the simple steps, we want to create some really success habits, but also we have to look at the feminine mindset side. Because we’ve got these productivity blocks, like there’s things that are stopping us. That’s really what the difference is, is bringing in both. No matter how many.. I mean like most people have tried to get productive before. And then they fall off the wagon, it’s because they haven’t looked at the mindset side about, “Hang on, what’s the fear, what am I afraid of?” That stuff. Which is why I get really excited about it because it can be such a game changing kind of process.


Do you feel like over the years being a productivity coach, are you seeing businesses being more productive or less productive because of the thought, you know, around everywhere I go, we must hustle, we must do this? What have you seen?


Yeah, I do. It’s interesting. I’m not a big fan of the hustle approach because ultimately, you know my passion is that we have that business and the life. There’s that whole mentality now, is that you can do anything. We can do absolutely anything but it doesn’t mean that we can do everything, not at the same time. What people are trying to do is everything, all at once because we can.

Because, you know, like, that whole world we live in with social media is just like, we’re constantly comparing ourselves to other people. It’s just not a fun place to be, it’s not ever gonna lead to being fulfilled. I think this is the thing about, for me with productivity and the hustle is that, you know, most of us have probably focused on being busy, we’ve got loads done, we’ve achieved some stuff and then realise actually, I’m not really that happy.

And so, that’s what my.. the other side is that I really want people to tap into what is it that you really want? Because one, that will make it so much easier to just show up and take the action steps because it’s aligned to what you really want. But, also that’s going to lead to fulfillment. There’s no point in hustling, busy, going after the dreams that are other people’s goals, that we think should be ours. That’s never gonna, that’s never gonna work. I think that it’s that.. yeah.. we live in this information overload now don’t we?


All the time.


Yeah. And it’s more about now, really constantly encouraging people to bring it back. Like one, what’s the one thing that’s gonna have the biggest impact. Really, that’s where it gets confronting.  So, this is why, you know, it’s not about “Hey, here’s some tools, go implement them.” It’s like super confronting process because we’re having to say no to things that actually, we want to do. We’re generally entrepreneurs, we’re full of ideas. Then being asked to really just like stop and be like, no, you’ve got to say no to more. I’ve got to get really honest and actually showing up on a daily basis isn’t taking me closer. All that stuff is going on and yeah. Which is why it’s such a fascinating journey for me to take with my clients.


I think, like again, people I think because they’re busy, that makes them productive but it’s actually far from the truth.




You can be..

Go ahead, sorry. No, no, no. You’re alright.


Over passionate. It’s like there’s no point in being busy if you’re working on the wrong things.


And so many people are not really, you know, we’re busy being busy but we’re not heading in the right direction. We’re not working on the things that are actually going to have the impact or, we’re avoiding the things that actually are going to be the income generating things because of maybe fear or.. so yeah. There’s no point in keeping ourselves busy, it’s not..

For one, it’s not necessary, this is about creating a life that we love. But also, you’re just, you could stay on that that hamster wheel but it isn’t going to change unless you are really committing to looking at what is it I truly want, and working on the right things. And that again, is hard.


I guess that goes nicely into the next question that I have. So, what do you think then, and what have you seen are the main blockages as to why businesses aren’t being productive?


Okay, so I talk about productivity blocks. And that’s basically, yeah, things that are stopping us from taking action. So, it’s all actually, if you peel it all back, it all comes down to fear.

What are we like.. generally, I’m not good enough, or all of this stuff that’s going on. So, the things, how it normally shows up, is there will be self-doubt, so you’re not doing what you should be doing. Procrastination, like we’re procrastinating for a reason.

So it’s like really interesting to look at that. Bright, shiny objects. Going off on the next new exciting thing because staying focused on this one thing is scary because it might be.. it might take off. And then obviously, that whole learning thing, like constantly learning.




Meeting the next qualification, etcetera. Again, it all comes back, when we peel it all back, fear and the I’m not good enough story. That’s kind of like the internal stuff. If you’re doing any of that, then I’m inviting you to just stop, maybe hit the journal or go for a walk and ask yourself, “What am I afraid of? What’s going on here?” The other side to it, is really just the practical side is our habits. There is an amazing quote that I always share all the time is, ‘People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.’

Our habits literally create what we’re going to achieve. It’s up to.. on a daily basis, have we got the right habits? The.. and so when we start looking at that, most of us probably could say no. So those are the main things that are stopping somebody as being productive.


So then would you say that, so again, like I said, that’s what I love about you being a different productivity is that you’re looking at what their fear is really. You’re also addressing what type of habits they have, good or bad. And then, from that, you help to supercharge their productivity. Tell me about, what are kind of the five steps that people can go into supercharging your productivity, if they’ve look at the fear, they’ve looked at the habits. What other tangible things could they do?


I think the very first thing I get people to do, is like a big brain dump and that is massively underrated right? It’s so powerful. The idea is that we’re kind of walking around, we’ve got all this stuff in our head and we.. it’s, most people feel overwhelmed because their mental desk needs to be decluttered. It’s really important to free up some mental space.

First thing I get everyone to do is do a big brain dump and that can be massive. If you haven’t done that before, or you haven’t done it for a long time, you might get pages and pages of stuff. The idea is that, just take yourself somewhere, distraction free, and then commit to clearing the mind so that you can then say, “Okay, what’s really important now?” I would just.. it’s as simple as literally pen and paper, and you go, “Family – what’s all the stuff that’s got to be done in my family, the house, what’s all the stuff that’s got to be done at the house?” Business – go through projects, go through every area. I even write down books I want to read so that it’s out of my head, my mind can then relax and be like, okay, all of that is taken care of. This is no.. definitely not turned into a to do list. The main point of this is that it’s freeing your mind to be able to see what’s a priority now.

So, that is really powerful.


So, the brain dump, best to do it where there’s no distractions, pen and paper, again I love a good old pen to paper. I think there’s something therapeutic about pen to paper. And then not only to focus on work but to look in all key areas of your life. So home, potentially friends, partner, kids ..




.. business.


Anything, get it all out.


So, they do the brain dump. Then what do you recommend they do? What’s the second type of step?


I think.. so, there’s lots of layers to productivity. If we just go really basic, if you implement these basic steps, then you can add in more layers.

The next thing I would do is just really super simple, it’s that each week, knowing exactly what I want to focus on. Setting a seven-day goal. We’ve got 168 hours ahead of us. What we choose to do in that next, in those hours, is what’s going to create our future. Simple, super simple, my mind is clear then I’m like right, “What do I want to have achieved by the time I get to next Friday?” let’s just say.

“What impact is that going to have?” Right. Always knowing exactly what my priority is on a weekly and a daily basis, literally, well.. it frees up hours and hours of time. It also really works on the sanity side. I feel calm, I feel in control because I know. I’m not, I haven’t got this big 90-day goal that’s like, “Oh my god, how do I start?” It’s like, “This week, I’ve got one bite size thing I need to achieve.” You don’t ever have to think about, what should I do now?

So, step 2, after you’ve done your brain dump, maybe just take a couple of sweet, deep breaths and you just ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve in the next seven days? What’s going to have a big impact on my next steps?”


I do notice that so many times, people are focusing on the future. I’m all about forward planning, or even 90 day planning or.. I’m all about all that. But I think sometimes we get so, it’s almost like another blockage. We get so worked up about what’s coming in the 90 days, that we forget to be in the moment and be present. And therefore, we stop taking any action whatsoever and we can actually kind of do that dance, one step forward, two steps back. I’m all about, it’s better to have imperfect action than to have no action at all. I too, would prefer you to chunk things down weekly and daily, than to worry about the 120 or the 365 days from now.


Absolutely. That’s another productivity block, just being stuck in the planning mode because it’s safe. It’s safe to keep planning out our big goals, but actually taking action on them is, that’s a really challenging thing and that’s where all the blocks come up. I really love to get my ladies to think big around what they would love to achieve so they’ve got this great energy. That’s what will keep them showing up, but ultimately, that doesn’t happen on a daily basis because you’re still overwhelmed.




Overwhelm actually only exists when we’re thinking about the future. If we keep coming back to today or the next seven days, this is the simple thing I need to achieve. It’s so funny, Ange, that you talk about imperfect action because that is actually, I often say, that is my biggest productivity tip. Because that has had the biggest impact on my own journey. I remember probably four years ago, I could see I was getting in my own way and I gave myself this, it was literally a little post-it note. I had it on my laptop, and every day, it’s “Imperfect action, better than no action”. I used that to propel me every single day, week, month. Honestly believe that without that, would not be where I am. It is very powerful. Very, very powerful. Yeah.


I guess again, for people, when their doing their brain dump, you know are looking at things and patterns even potentially. Even with me launching the podcast, I was like “Oh my goodness, I don’t know how to do this, and what happened if I messed up speaking,” or you know, whatever ..if I cough.. but I was like, again, it was all fear driven. Again, the fear, where I was like you know what man, if I just go at it, what’s the worst thing that happens? I might get to 100 episodes and I close it down, or I get to 20 episodes. But what’s the positives that could come from it being imperfect? I get to reconnect with you from last year, I’ve connected with someone in Switzerland, and all these other cool people. Oh my goodness, the opportunities because I allowed myself and gave myself permission to be imperfect are far greater than me coughing or spitting out my Diet Coke drink halfway through the episode.




.. imperfect action.


I think for the rest as well. It’s always a lot easier if we start focusing on being of value. When we come back to being of service, of actually getting this podcast out and helping people is really important. It becomes easier to get out of your own way. It’s not about you then, it’s about, “Hang on, these people need to hear this,” and yes, that’s another really good shift in perspective of like, this is not about me.


Again, I guess. Slightly different than the productivity but I think so many times, we all have the same amount of hours in a day, 24 hours.




Some us are mothers, some of us are caring for a dying partner, or kids. Do you know what I mean? We all have our own little things that we’re dealing with regardless of status, marital status, kid status, whatever.




But we all still have choices. So, many people, if they’re still in that fear blockage, is fear drives them to not take action. I really like to hone in on that we all have the same 24 hours in the day. It’s up to you what action you decide to take.


Absolutely. I think that part of that is as well is that.. we’ve all got the same 24 hours, but it’s like, everyone’s like.. When you were talking about that, something came into my mind, I was going to talk about, and I’ve totally lost it. It will probably come back to me.

Again, really knowing what’s really important. Oh I know what I was going to say. I was going to say, absolutely, life if going to happen. Always life is happening. So, when I talk about setting a seven-day goal, it’s actually meant to be a small goal, that is achievable because you want to give yourself small wins. If you have a win every week, over 90 days, that is a lot of stuff you’ve achieved.




Life is going to be happening, we’ve still got to do business as usual, life as usual. All the things. This is about allowing yourself to make some progress, constantly make small progress because that is how big things are achieved.


Also, I think you touched upon something very important. Especially I find women in business, and that’s not that men don’t do it. But I think women, because so many of us are wearing so many different hats, you know. Again, not that men don’t, so let me just make that very clear. But because we’re juggling so many hats, sometimes I think we also don’t celebrate the wins and I think it’s another block. That if I do this, then I’m going to jinx myself for this, or whatever. I think it is important, I’m always in my own Facebook group, the Australian Business Collaborative, going “Okay guys, winning Wednesday. What did you do? Talk about it,” and that again, allowing yourself to feel good about something you’ve done regardless if it’s, you’ve made $2 or you’ve made $1000. I think it’s important to celebrate those wins.




No, no, no. Which will be a lot more achievable if it’s seven-day goals versus, do you know what I mean, 365-day goals. Cause then really, you’re only celebrating one time a year versus you get the opportunity to celebrate 52 weeks in a year.


It’s so exciting.. it’s so powerful, so I was saying, in the Wildly Successful Society, which is my membership, there are so many layers to the celebrating. It’s so important. Everybody struggles with it, so we have what are you proud of posts, but every month when we set our goals, I also ask them to write down what their reward will be.

Every single month, we have a conversation about it, like, “Oh I didn’t reward myself”. As women, we’re not stopping to celebrate, we’re not rewarding our efforts.

Going back to the seven-day goal thing, because yes, you know what? If you.. if you could achieve, I normally get people to set one business goal and one personal goal every week. Now imagine, if I was like, even if you don’t do that every single week, let’s say you have some holidays. That’s still probably 45 things in both areas that you could achieve. It’s amazing, when we just allow this to be easy and allow it to be simple. We don’t need it to be complex. That’s the thing with my productivity style, we don’t need complex systems. Actually, just these little simple steps and these habits that we create, they’re game changing. Game changing.


100%. If we kind of go back, so we’ve got brain dump as step one, step two, set seven-day goals. What’s your step three for supercharging your productivity?


Okay, so I think three and four are almost like joint, they kind of bounce off each other. Starting and ending your day right. If you start your day really powerfully and you end it powerfully, the middle bit kind of takes care of itself. I would start with, how do you end your day? So, how you end your day is going to have a really big impact with how you start the day tomorrow. The first thing is that we implement and something called, it’s needs a sexier name for sure, but it’s called the end of day review. Essentially five minutes, you do an end of day review.. (phone ringing).. Let me just stop that. All you do is.. take five minutes and you celebrate what did you achieve. Really acknowledging what I did achieve. And then you go, what’s the one to three most important actions that I need to do tomorrow.

And you get really clear about it, have I got everything I need? This will be the things that are, this is about your seven-day goals. What one to three things, little tasks, this is not a mini project, this is a small task that needs to happen tomorrow. End of day review, five minutes. Really sort of closing, but setting yourself up for tomorrow.

In the morning, ideally, when you start your day, you start with.. now I call it the mighty 90, which is basically a 90-minute block of time when you do those most important actions that you’ve just identified that will assure that you’re working toward your seven-day goal. Not everyone can do, not everyone can do 90 minutes, so 30 minutes, 45 minutes, whatever you can do to really start that day right. Again, if we start our day right, we end our day right.

So those two. I honestly believe that if you only do those two things for the next week or two, it’s going to have a really big impact.


I couldn’t agree.. I initially heard of the Carrie Wilkerson from the United States calls it Power Hour. It was because of her that changed my level of productivity versus working on your business and in your business. Every day for 60 minutes, it’s the first thing that I do regardless. I take that back, I get the kids ready, they’re off to school, etc. Then I have my breaky, those types of things but in regards to when I get in to work, I put those 60 minutes aside. It’s not Facebook driven, it’s not Instagram driven, it’s about what little things can I work on that will move my business forward? Again, it’s been the biggest game changer, not only about creating a new habit, but equally seeing those rewards. 60 minutes solid, you can do a lot in 60 minutes.


You can do so much in 60 minutes. It’s so powerful. I think the important part of that is to say that this is before you’ve checked emails, your social media is closed down, the phone is off, if it can be. Really set yourself up, it’s just 60 minutes. If you can’t, do 45 minutes. Whatever you can do to protect this time and say look, my seven-day goal is important enough for me to really show up for it.

It’s so simple, if you do it consistently, it is a massive, it will have such a, you will achieve so much.


I know my one to one clients, the ones who have implemented just even the 60 minutes, some of them do 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night just because of the way their life is. Their ability to achieve goals much quicker has outpaced those clients that have yet to implement that. Obviously, my role as their consultant is just to plant the seed, plant the seed. For those ones that have implemented an ongoing habit-forming productivity, absolutely. It’s magnificent.

That’s kind of your step three, step four. What’s your wrap up? What’s step five?


Step five is going back to that inner works, I talked about earlier around, we need the masculine tools, but we also need that feminine sort of, check in, “Am I working on the right things?” Stuff like that. It’s really about, it could be, embracing imperfect action. There’s a couple different things I do. One of them is this inner mentor. Beautiful exercise. I didn’t even know this, for years and years, I always used to say.. when I was getting in my own way or whatever.. I used to say what would the real Jo do? I’d be like the real Jo, so as soon as I say the words, the real Jo, she’s this person who, she’s positive and confident and she doesn’t get stuck in self-doubt. She’s got the big bold dreams and she goes after them. So, whenever I say, “What would the real Jo do?” It’s like, okay, she would sit down, she’d do that 60 minutes and she’d do it now. Things like that.

When I read the book “Playing Big” by Tara Mohr, she talked about something called your inner mentor. That’s when I realised, “Oh my goodness, this is what the real Jo is.” So I use that exercise a lot with my clients now. We really name our inner mentor, I’ve got clients that call.. one of my ladies is called Mel. Her inner mentor is called Millionaire Mel. It’s like, “Oh, what would Millionaire Mel do?” That will get you out of your own way. It’s a really great exercise to do, before you start work. For two minutes, just like hanging out with your future self. How did she show up today? What thoughts would she have? What beliefs would she have today?

And then, the other one is this low vibe stories. We’ve all got a low vibe story, “I haven’t got time,” is probably a really good one. So, it’s just checking in. What low vibe story have I got today? How would I like to change that? That again, is just a simple shift but if we take two minutes whilst you’re in the shower even. “What’s my high vibe story today?” You know, just shifting it. Really, just like yeah, this is your first steps. If you do those five things consistently, then you can build in more layers like we talked about you can plan forever in advance. Be more strategic about what the seven-day goals are but if we do this consistently, it will have a really big impact. We are going to start to get the real wins, you’ll be checking in on your mindset and yeah, I think that’s really, really powerful.

This is about, again, it can be simple to move forward. Take back control.


Like you said, any one of us, even if you just looked at, for example, putting that 90 or 60 minutes aside. To recap those really cool five steps to supercharge your productivity that you’ve gone through about doing a brain dump, looking at your seven days goals, explore.. ending your day right, starting your day right with a 60 to 90 minute kind of miracle hour, power hour. Whatever you want to call it. And ending it by looking at your inner mentor or your low vibe story. I mean, even in that little 60 to 90 minutes, in one of the days, in the beginning of the week, you could look at all of.. do a brain dump.. you could do a seven day goals..




.. like how productive would you be? But would you agree though, that productivity will still come down to the 1% of people are those people that form the correct habits?


Yes. It’s all about our habits for sure. It is absolutely. That sounds like that could be quite easy and it’s not. It’s just as easy to implement a bad habit as it is to implement a good habit. When we become aware and if you stop and just ask yourself in your end of day review. Are my habits moving me closer to my desires? It’s self-awareness that’s going to be changing everything. If we keep checking in, like where am I not.. like really showing up? Then that’s how you can start to make the changes. So absolutely, it’s all about habits. Again, a lot of people will not do this because it’s super confronting.




It’s just showing us that, “Oh my god, yeah I’m not putting my goals as a priority,” and that’s really uncomfortable.


And there’ll be an excuse. Oh, the baby woke up, or this got up. Again, I still believe that entrepreneurship collectively is the 1% of people that will go and do this and will take action even if it’s imperfect action, will streamline their business so much faster than the other 99% who are just going to sit there and put it in the corner and say, “I’ll try it another day.”


Yeah, and they’ve got the excuses. And that’s fine. It’s not easy. But actually, it can be easier. You can find a really simple, a couple of simple steps that will start shifting things and when you start to get some little wins, you’ll get the motivation to keep going. I totally agree. I know we’re preaching to the converted here, talking to you, but it’s like, just be aware it is uncomfortable, how much do you want this?


Absolutely. Some of these things, it’s like, you might not do all five of these things but even if the only thing you did this week is the brain dump, you’re still closer, you know, of helping break those changes and those patterns and those habits to streamline or supercharging your productivity. Which is the end result, because you want to be able to work more efficiently, more effectively. You don’t want to work harder, you want to work smarter and yet I see so many people struggling because like you said, they’re too busy writing lists. Or they’re too busy worried about what platform to use or what tech tool to use or whatever, that they’re not actually thinking about what type of product they need to develop. They’re always so worried about the future, that again, they’re not sitting in the moment to brain dump and be with themselves and really look at all those things.


It’s so much safer to just keep being busy because, you know, you don’t have to deal with all the confronting stuff. It’s like, that isn’t going to lead to fulfillment and make you feel great. And this is what we’re here for. It’s about having this life that supports you and so, it isn’t just about getting more done. It’s about getting the right stuff done. That can be, yeah, that’s step one.

I totally agree. Pick one of them and implement that over the next seven days and see how it feels.


Awesome. It is always a pleasure hearing your beautiful accent and it was good to see you. Obviously, the listeners won’t get to see you.

Before we wrap up, I’d love to know so they can get to know you a little bit more, what of all the countries in the world, is your favourite country? And what’s the most delicious dish you’ve ever had?


Oh my gosh. Do you know what? That is such a difficult question to answer. I love everywhere I go. I think I’ll answer the dish thing, I love Thai food.




Just like a Thai red chicken curry, is going to make me super happy.


Spicy or mild?


Spicy, yup. I love all things Thai food so that makes me really happy in that country to really enjoy the food.

As countries go, do you know what? I haven’t got a favourite country. At the moment, obviously I’m really loving the life in Spain because I’m adapted to that. They’ve got a really chilled out way of life. Australia, I absolutely love because my bestie lives there, so any excuse to get back to see it.

The other thing that kind of comes up to me is Africa, that was the first place I ever went to as a backpacker. I was 20 years old. That was, that really stayed with me for many, many reasons. It’s just such an interesting continent. But yeah, I don’t have a favourite country but I do love food.


I think you do love wine, off the top of my head.


Oh yeah, I like wine as well.


I just see a lot of wine images of you and beaches, like your legs and wine and beaches. I’m like, gosh, I do love her lifestyle. I do love it.

Now listen, what’s next for you? If listeners would like to get to know you a little bit more, where can they find you, hon?


What’s next, really more of the same. I’m, yup, just like more .. I think for me, I need to do more in person offerings now because being the nomad has meant that everything has really been online. So, I’m feeling really called to do some retreats at my home in Spain, which is exciting.


Super exciting.


Yeah and also just keep, the best place for people to really do the work to get started, would be my membership. But I do one on one mentoring and masterminds. But, well actually two cases, you can go onto my Facebook page which is Wildly Successful with Jo Bendle and website is and I do actually have. I did do a five day challenge, which is all around the five habits that we just talked about, so I can send you the link to that, if anyone’s interested?


That would be awesome and I can include that in the notes, which absolutely, so my team and I will also be putting together the whole transcription for this episode at and we’ll include the link, Jo.

And of course, I cover all sorts of related business and life topics inside my Facebook group, The Australian Business Collaborative of over a few thousand businesses. So, make sure you join the community, as I’d love to see you in there. But in the meantime, goodbye from Australia, goodbye from Spain. We hope you all have an awesome day, no matter where you are in the world and stay tuned for my next episode as I’d love to have you join me.

Have an awesome day, everyone. Bye.

Thanks for listening to the Business and Life Conversations podcast with Angela Henderson, 5 Steps to Super Charge Your Productivity – Episode 15.

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