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Is your business stuck in neutral?
Get visible, get sales, and grow with
an Instagram strategy that fits your unique business for just $27!
Wednesday March 30th 2022, 9:00am-11:00am QLD Time (AEST)
Click here to see the workshop time in your timezone. (YES, THERE WILL BE A REPLAY)
Starting a business can feel like being on a treadmill that’s set one speed too fast
You know where you want to be (right up front, taking calm, confident strides that move you forward), but you’re flailing about at the back, expending crazy amounts of energy and effort only to stay stuck in place.
Which sucks.
Because without a steady stream of income, you don’t have money to invest back into your business… Or the funds to hire someone to help shoulder the load.
You are *not* alone in this. And I’m here to help.
The truth, as you’ve probably discovered, is that there are a number of hugely effective tools at your disposal. But, without someone to show you how to use them strategically, it’s a looonnggg process of trial and error…
Which is a scary thought when you’re operating at a pace that’s already hard to maintain.
So how about we switch gears and take you out of overwhelm and into strategic, sustainable growth, using one of the best free tools for online businesses…
Hey there,
I’m Angela Henderson
(But you can call me Ange!)
I help ambitious women (like you!) grow profitable, sustainable businesses. The kind that allow you to make good money without burning out.
My approach to business has been super deliberate from the start.
From day one, I knew who my ideal client was, what content would resonate, and how to get it in front of them.
And this is THE thing that’s allowed me to grow 2 kickass 6-figure businesses — this one, plus online baby shop Finlee and Me — while raising 2 awesome kids, managing my mental health, and still finding time to watch way too much hockey (hey, I’m Canadian), and eat Nutella straight from the jar.
Once you have these pieces in play, it becomes so much easier to focus your energy on the things that get results, and let go of those that don’t.
And after 10 years in business, I can tell you with absolute certainty that Instagram is one of those things you should be focused on.
With more than 300 million daily ACTIVE users,
I can almost guarantee that your ideal client is on there —
All you’ve got to do is get in front of them in a way that resonates.
And I’d love to show you how.
Instagram Mastery for Business Owners
Here’s everything you get when you purchase the Instagram Mastery
Master your bio, strategise your content, and optimise your results with Instagram Mastery
Total Value = $482
Today’s Price $27
There are eight video modules (complete with workbook!) waiting for you inside
Module 1 – Getting Started with Instagram
You kinda, sorta know you *should* have an Instagram account, but why’s it so important? And how can you set yourself up for success before you make your first (or next!) post.
Module 2 – Nailing Your Instagram Bio
Your Instagram bio is often the difference between someone clicking through to your website… and moving right along. In other words, it’s one of the most important pieces of Insta real estate for your business, and with just 150 characters to play with, you want to make sure you get it right.
Module 3 – Four Ways to Use Instagram for Business Growth
Instagram isn’t just for selfies and inspirational quotes. If you use it strategically, it can nurture leads, drive sales, open doors, and become a key driver of growth for your business. So let’s make sure it does all of those things for you.
Module 4 – What Kind of Content Should You Post on Instagram
Regardless of what type of business you have (product or service-based), there are things you should be sharing and things you shouldn’t. By the end of this module, you’ll know which is which, and you’ll never be stuck wondering what to put on your feed and in your stories.
Module 5 – Understanding What Time to Post on Instagram
Does timing really matter? If you want to maximise visibility, engagement, and growth, yes it does. In fact, it can be the difference between a post going unloved and unnoticed and that same post lighting up with likes, comments, and shares.
Module 6 – How to Optimise Your Content with Hashtags
Your hashtags should be more than just an afterthought. Being strategic about which ones you use, when has a huge impact on who you reach. And it’s not just about getting your content in front of more people, but in front of more of the right people, because that’s what puts more money in your bank account.
Module 7 – How to Plan and Schedule Your Content on Instagram
This is where you’ll work out what to post, when, and how to plot it all out in advance. Less on-the-fly-and-see-what-sticks, and more strategic forward planning that supports your business goals.
Module 8 – Measuring Your Data/Results on Instagram
One of the really cool things about using Instagram to grow your business is you can track what’s working, what’s not, and use that data to work out how to proceed. You’ve just got to know what to look for, and where to find it.
Because I want you to start implementing and getting results straight away, I’m also including four awesome bonuses
(valued at $148)
Bonus #1
30 Days of Instagram Content Guide To Speed Up Your Success
You’ll learn what kind of content to post in Module 4, but I know (from experience!) that following through and hitting post is so much easier when you have prompts to get the ball rolling. I’ve used these in my own businesses and with my 1:1 clients, with super solid success.
Bonus #2
30 Instagram Closes Which Gets People To Pay
If you want to use Instagram to grow your business, you need to get in the habit of asking your followers to do something, whether that’s join your list, listen to your podcast, or buy your offer. And these 30 tried and tested CTAs are designed to help you do just that.
Bonus #3
1000’s of Free Stock Images That Will Improve Your Conversions
Instagram is an image based platform, so of course your going to need access to stock images. So I’ve put together the Top 10 Free Stock Images guide so you can access images asap without having to worry about the added cost of stock images.
Bonus #4
Discover How To Get In-front Of The Right People With The Right Story
The whole point of Instagram Mastery is helping you get the right content in front of the right people, so I want to make sure you have that second part nailed down. This workbook will help you identify your ideal client’s key demographics, challenges, and goals so you have information you can leverage in your Instagram strategy.
Let’s have one last chat about that treadmill
Because if you’re still here, you’re probably planning on working out your Instagram strategy for free.
And if that’s what you decide, more power to you! Seriously, it takes time, energy, and determination to learn via trial and error —
Which is exactly why I’m offering Instagram Mastery.
Hun, the treadmill sucks.
It’s late nights and frustration and burn-out and eat-your-feelings-sessions with a jar of Nutella. And if you can swap all of that for strategy and focus and traction and growth for just $27…
Well, you do you. But here’s that button one last time, just in case you need it.
Ready to get visible, get sales, and grow your business with Instagram Mastery?
Here’s everything you get when you purchase the Instagram Mastery
Master your bio, strategise your content, and optimise your results with Instagram Mastery
Total Value = $482
Today’s Price $27
I’ve got a rock solid 7 day
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Lead Magnet Mastery is 100% Risk-Free!
If you feel like you don’t get 10x the value from the training, you can email anytime within 7 days, show us you did the work and we will happily refund your full $27.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions?
If you can’t find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact me and my team will reach out shortly after.
Ready to get visible, get sales, and grow your business with Instagram Mastery?
Here’s everything you get when you purchase the Instagram Mastery
Master your bio, strategise your content, and optimise your results with Instagram Mastery
Total Value = $482
Today’s Price $27
© 2023 Angela Henderson Consulting. All rights reserved